Introduction to Eval

Eval, also known as Expression in the context of Godot, is a powerful tool for dynamically controlling various aspects of animations and object manipulation in real-time. This mechanism allows users to precisely adjust the behavior of a scene using mathematical expressions and logic, unlocking vast possibilities for creating complex effects and interactions.

What is Eval?

Eval is a module responsible for modifying object properties in the scene, such as: Position, Rotation, Scale, Material parameters, e.g., shaders and much more.

It applies to virtually all types of objects that can be parameterized. For example, cameras can have properties like position, field of view, depth of field, and more dynamically adjusted. Lights, such as omni and spot types, can have attributes like intensity, range, and color controlled in real-time. Similarly, 3D meshes-including Plane, Box, Sphere, and Text-each offer unique parameters depending on their type that can be fine-tuned dynamically.

Beyond individual objects, Eval also allows for manipulation of global scene settings, such as world properties like brightness, contrast, saturation, field of view (FOV), and volumetric effects. Simply put, Eval enables comprehensive control over everything configurable in the scene, opening endless possibilities for dynamic animations and environment adjustments.

These are general details about expressions in designing dynamic scenes. Below, we will dive specifically into how Eval is implemented in the WASMAI project, with explanations of drivers and practical usage examples.

Eval supports both beginner users and advanced creators, empowering everyone to customize their animations to fit the project’s needs.

Focus on expressions in WASMAI